Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

It was an AWESOME father's day for Daddy. I got a picture of him and Jadyn that I just adore printed on a canvas, made him breakfast in bed, wrote him notes and gave him looks of admiration all day long.
And if that wasn't enough, Jadyn took her first steps that night. 


  1. Wow Lindsey, she is getting SO BIG! Why does time have to go so quickly? Yay for Jadyn!

    Our little girl has been pulling herself up and now she is starting to cruise just a little bit and it's crazy to watch! In 3 months or so she'll be walking and people will think she's a miracle child since she's so tiny LOL.

  2. Seriously. Things are happening too quickly!

  3. I've seriously watched this video at least 10 different times and it still gives me the biggest cheeseball grin!
