Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Three: Black and White

I figured if I did this in color or black and white, the dress would be the same! I love a good black and white.

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Two: The control

This girl has discovered that she is very powerful. 
Step one: Target the biggest push-over in the house. 
Step Two: Obtain the control device. 
She wins every time.

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-One: Sailor girl

I am so glad she finally fits in the dress I bought under the influence of nesting instincts when she was just a bun in the oven.

...and the grabbing begins

Day Two Hundred and Thirty: For the love of H&M

I'm so sad H&M is not in Colorado (though I've heard a rumor that they're building one in Denver). They do happen to have one in Arizona. So as we took our ritual shopping trip with the Harmer clan, I took the liberty of getting Jadyn her first H&M outfit. Love it.

[ok so this is a weak sauce post. I'll admit it. The closer I get to present day, the more exciting the days will get. Promise!]

Also, she's obsessed with my mom's watch. 

My mom can never find her watches anymore. 

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine: Resolutions to keep

This year I thought really hard about what New Year's resolutions I would like to make AND KEEP! Truth is, I never keep mine. Most often I make ridiculous goals to do the splits or climb Everest...still hasn't happened.

I did some deep thinking and decided these were my reasonable goals:
-Read the scriptures daily
-Pray daily
-Exercise at least 3 times a week (used to not be a problem, but then child came along)
- Read at least one book to Jadyn everyday
-Do something musical everyday
-Learn a new recipe once a week
-Family Night once a week
-Go to the temple monthly

There may have been more, but I lost my journal...I guess I should have make "don't lose things" a goal.

The list felt long. But everything on it is really important to me and are things I should be doing. So to organize, I designed a personally tailored planner. And no, that was not a ploy to get you to buy one of my planners. I just happen to be lazy enough that I don't want to find the pictures again. It has made a world of difference. I'm certainly not perfect, but I forget the important things a lot less often now. It has been a really exciting thing for me to get back on track. Everyone needs a little re-railing every once in a while.

On another note: Jadyn got some adorable new clothes for Christmas.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven: Second Christmas

One of the biggest perks of marriage is twice the family! Once all the Christmas craze had died down and we flew home to Colorado, it began all over again! More presents. More family fun. Yipee!
Jadyn loves being naked...and opening presents

Jace finally got his surprise gift. An Apple TV! 

Jadyn's big gift...which we have regretted ever since. It's just Ok. 

Oh my! All the clothes I picked out!

Long thought out gifts for my parents. 
We wrote my mom a book. 
And made my dad things solely out of
recycled material. He loved it. 

So many wonderful books. Jadyn's favorite. 

 And I got to see this girl. I love her so much. 
She gets me on a level no one could possibly
understand. Best Friends. She's so pretty. 

Day Two Hundred and Fourteen-Twenty Six: I've had better ideas...and a Merry Freakin Christmas

We thought to ourselves, "you know, there's so many people that will have cameras at Christmas we probably don't need to bring ours." What was I thinking. Luckily, I thieved a few off of Jenedy's blog:
So I have documentation of the cousins who will 
no doubt be best friends someday...maybe they already are.

Morgan's MASSIVE train set he got for Christmas. 
And Grandma on Cloud 9, playing with her Grandbabies. 

The hilarious footie PJ's Joe and Kami got for Pappa as his 
Christmas Eve PJ's. And the babies' adorable matching PJ's. 

Lots of love and smiling. 

A  few things we missed:
Laughing till I cried playing Bang!
Being sick almost the entire week
Having an awesome raspy voice, 
making me 10x funnier to everyone. 
Kami giving me the purse she 
has spent years looking for. 
My husband giving me something to 
make me sparkle. I felt so loved. 
Shopping...of course!
Enjoying an Arizona swim in December
The sleigh ride on Christmas eve
Family pictures
Painting nails
Movies, Movies, Movies
A swap meet that felt like Mexico
Doing the service project I begged for
Stuffing Stockings
Good talks
Good food
Good Company. 

It was such a wonderful, warm Tucson Christmas!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Thirteen: Inspection

Lately, Jadyn has this obsession with sticking her fingers in you mouth. She thinks it's hilarious if I bite her fingers when she plunges her little pudgy hand in to inspect. She also gives a thorough screening of noses and gauges eyes. Appointments are available. Use caution: She drools.

Day Two Hundred and Twelve: I heart Ikea

I really do! Our house is going to be decked out in Ikea. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Eleven: Splish Splash

Just a little bathtime special.

Day Two Hundred and Ten: After Church

After church, Jadyn is just like me. We can only stand being in a dress for so long. Once I get home I immediately change into something comfy. Jadyn demands to be stripped down to her onesie. This one looks a little odd without the rest of the outfit.
Just look at those delicious legs. 

Day Two Hundred and Nine: Ward Christmas Party

My best friend in the ward was the head of the party planning committee this year. So guess who else was on the party planning committee...mmhmm. I was actually thrilled. I love planning things like this. After lots and lots of work, and thumbs that were totally numb, we had a beautiful Christmas celebration. Jace and I were Mary and Joseph in the live nativity. Jadyn was the very large Jesus. For weeks after, kids ran up to me asking if they could see the baby Jesus.

It was a really beautiful experience for me, sitting there in a quite chapel, rocking my baby in an unpadded manger. I felt such reverence for Mary as I put myself in her place and imagined what that night was like. I was amazed by how well Jadyn handled laying in a very hard I'm sure Mary was too. For that hour I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to entertain her without all her favorite toys and keep her comfortable without her soft blankets and warm clothes (she was stripped down to swaddling clothes of course). Somehow Mary did it. She managed to go through child birth and keep him warm and safe with virtually no resources. I honor that woman.
Jace and I also sang a duet. It was a song I had found about Joseph. Everyone sings about Mary, as they should, but I was a beautifully rendition of Joseph. 

The Spirit of  Christmas was overwhelming.  

Day Two Hundred and Eight: Christmastime is here

We finally got to whoop out this adorable little outfit I got at my baby shower. All velvety and ready for the Christmas party.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Etsy Shop!

No I am still not caught up, but I finally listed some things on my Etsy shop!

Check it out: