Monday, April 18, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Fourteen-Twenty Six: I've had better ideas...and a Merry Freakin Christmas

We thought to ourselves, "you know, there's so many people that will have cameras at Christmas we probably don't need to bring ours." What was I thinking. Luckily, I thieved a few off of Jenedy's blog:
So I have documentation of the cousins who will 
no doubt be best friends someday...maybe they already are.

Morgan's MASSIVE train set he got for Christmas. 
And Grandma on Cloud 9, playing with her Grandbabies. 

The hilarious footie PJ's Joe and Kami got for Pappa as his 
Christmas Eve PJ's. And the babies' adorable matching PJ's. 

Lots of love and smiling. 

A  few things we missed:
Laughing till I cried playing Bang!
Being sick almost the entire week
Having an awesome raspy voice, 
making me 10x funnier to everyone. 
Kami giving me the purse she 
has spent years looking for. 
My husband giving me something to 
make me sparkle. I felt so loved. 
Shopping...of course!
Enjoying an Arizona swim in December
The sleigh ride on Christmas eve
Family pictures
Painting nails
Movies, Movies, Movies
A swap meet that felt like Mexico
Doing the service project I begged for
Stuffing Stockings
Good talks
Good food
Good Company. 

It was such a wonderful, warm Tucson Christmas!


  1. I love that first picture of Jayden. She is beautiful! And she reminds me so much of you. And you are beautiful and really awesome.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let my try again....

    Lindsey girl, you make a mighty fine sheriff! Ha ha!!!

    When can we do it again???

    By the way...
    Reyna finally sent out the pictures again, so check your email.

  4. I'm not seeing your email. Send it to or
