Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Nine: Ward Christmas Party

My best friend in the ward was the head of the party planning committee this year. So guess who else was on the party planning committee...mmhmm. I was actually thrilled. I love planning things like this. After lots and lots of work, and thumbs that were totally numb, we had a beautiful Christmas celebration. Jace and I were Mary and Joseph in the live nativity. Jadyn was the very large Jesus. For weeks after, kids ran up to me asking if they could see the baby Jesus.

It was a really beautiful experience for me, sitting there in a quite chapel, rocking my baby in an unpadded manger. I felt such reverence for Mary as I put myself in her place and imagined what that night was like. I was amazed by how well Jadyn handled laying in a very hard I'm sure Mary was too. For that hour I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to entertain her without all her favorite toys and keep her comfortable without her soft blankets and warm clothes (she was stripped down to swaddling clothes of course). Somehow Mary did it. She managed to go through child birth and keep him warm and safe with virtually no resources. I honor that woman.
Jace and I also sang a duet. It was a song I had found about Joseph. Everyone sings about Mary, as they should, but I was a beautifully rendition of Joseph. 

The Spirit of  Christmas was overwhelming.  

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