Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day One-Hundred and Forty Three: Family Night, Bake Night

It was my turn again! I tend to get so excited when it's my turn that I try to cram all the ideas I have into one night, making it a mega long activity. This activity took about a week to complete.
My idea was for us to make some Halloween-y treats for people we wanted to get to know better or that we thought could really use a little sweet something. We were going to deliver them that night, but I have a horrible concept of time with baking. I suppose it would have been frowned upon if we showed up at people's doorsteps (people we didn't know very well, hence wanting to get to know them better) at 11:00 at night. 

They eventually got finished and delivered. As always, Jace surprised me with his enthusiasm with this activity. He particularly liked putting stickers on the boxes. It made it look like we had five year olds decorate them. Jadyn enjoyed the commotion from the Bumbo. I seriously don't know how cavewomen survived without Bumbos. But then again, they probably didn't have countertops. 

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