Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day One Hundred!: Wow

One hundred days have gone by. How amazing! It doesn't take long to feel like you've been a mother your whole life. After 100 days of Jadyn I feel like I really can handle anything. She makes me feel so confident. Every little thing she does makes me proud. There are a million interpretations for the name "Jadyn" but I stick with these: "God has heard" and "God has healed you". She was an answer to prayer. Even before I saw her face, I knew she was special. She changed me all through my pregnancy. Now, in just four short months of life on earth, this little being has healed, humbled and transformed my heart. She is a gift, that's for sure.
These are some of the newborn pictures cousin Elizabeth took for us. It's so surreal to look back and see how much she has grown!

And here is from actual day 100. Moose was leaving for school in a couple of days, so she held Jadyn as much as she possibly could. 


  1. Of what pictures i can see, adorable :) I can't believe she's almost 4 months old already!
