Friday, September 10, 2010

Day Ninety-Eight: 16th Street Mall

The day after we got back, Jace had to go back to school. We were a bit tired from the traveling, so Jace ditched his first class. Since he would only be downtown for a few hours, I decided to take him and have an adventure with Jadyn. We went to the 16th Street Mall! It was so fun to walk around. I forgot to bring the stroller, so we had to go the baby carrier route. My back was hurting so bad by the end of the day. But oh the things we saw....


  1. OK, so that last comment didn't go quite right, but you know what I mean. :)

  2. I hate front packs like that, they hurt your back SO much!!

    I'd recommend getting a wrap, they offer more support. Mei ties are nice too :) Ring slings can be good while they are smaller and on shorter trips when they are older, but if not worn right can put pressure on your shoulder.

    But for a wrap you can just get about 5 yards of cotton gauze and that's it, you have a wrap :) Nothing fancy and you can do so many different carries.

    This website is good for baby wearing info:
