Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Thirty-Five: Make-up!

I did my hair and put on make-up today! It was the first day that I didn't do the quick throw on mascara trick. I actually felt worthy of my husband taking me out on a date that night: Toy Story 3...it was ADORABLE.

Jadyn was also looking especially cute this morning.
P.S. She grabs EVERYTHING now. She hates getting her clothes changed, so every morning she puts up a good fight for her nighty. Also, my hair: it's her new security blanket. If she ever gets mad, anxious, or sad...my hair is gonna get a good tugging. My mom warned me that soon she would start pulling her own hair and blame it on me. She did that yesterday. She screamed. She didn't know she was pulling her hair. Poor thing.

1 comment:

  1. It is funny, yet sad when they pull their own hair :) Cute cute pictures :)
