Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So I have been pretty bad lately about documenting how adorable my daughter is...could be because she's a TODDLER. Like, for reals. They are so busy. Anyways, here's the latest:

*Every morning as I get ready, she gets to work on my drawer of jewelry that I don't wear. She slips on about 10 of my power beads (why I still have those I don't know. Hoarder much?) and as she puts them on she says "One. Two. One. Two. One Two" then holds up her decorated arm and says "Mamma! Nook! Brasips."

*I often call her "baby". Everything is "baby" this and "baby" that. Well, now she assumes that is just what you call people so often she will say things to Jace and I like "Tank you, baby" "Here go, baby" and "Sowy, baby."

* I have been helping my mom clean out her attic, which means I have brought a great number of my old toys home to Jadyn. One of which is a giant stuffed bear that now sits in the corner of her room. Everyday she points to him and says "Bear? Hug?" She is asking me permission to hug the bear. When I grant it she runs over and smoothers herself and says "Awww, nice....bear. Teddy."

*You surprise yourself often by what kind of parent you turn out to be. I have recently taken up bribing. Now, if I say "Jadyn, want a Tic Tac?" she immediately drops to the ground and puts her feet in the air, ready and willing to get her diaper changed. If I do not reward her soon enough she will hold out her hand and in a very matter-of-fact tone say "Tac-Tac."

* She is learning all her shapes right now. If she doesn't know what the shape is, she just calls it a "suckle" (Circle).

My favorite phrases:
"Hold you."
"nuggle" (Snuggle)
" Oh darn it!" (Taught by Grandma)
"Okay" (Yes)

To be continued...


  1. oh my gosh. I love "brasips." What a fun time!

  2. Wow she talks a LOT for her age! Or at least a TON more than Luke! How cute! I would love to her her say "brasips" and call her daddy "baby." Adorable!

  3. Kira, I think it really just comes with the girl turf. She has always been a big talker, but takes her time with the physical things. I'm guessing it will be QUITE the shock to see what this upcoming boy is like.

  4. How.Adorable! Gosh, so cute! How old is she now?

  5. Haha, yep it will probably be just the opposite!

  6. My granddaughter is not only beautiful, but she's a genius!!!
