Thursday, January 5, 2012

Catch Up

Miss me?

Well...we moved! Absence officially excused. The house is coming together quite nicely. I had these horrible images in my head of empty rooms and mismatched furniture, but I have been pleasantly surprised by how much we pull off with the things we've have since newbies. Our house is feeling more home-like all the time.

Now I KNOW everyone wants to see pictures of the house, and you'll get a taste, but I want it to be more finished before a full on tour is initiated. Yes, I'm crazy, and moving into a new house has only made this more clear. So! Without further adeui, I give you what I call:

Phase 2
Furniture is all in place, blinds are up and rooms are organized. 

...Phase 3 would be Decor. Oh Happy Day!!

As soon as I finished these pictures Jadyn ran in her room and made a mess of her books again.
 So quick story about the inside-out fort in her room. My sister-in-law, in all her wonderfulness gave this to Jadyn for Christmas. Our first walk-through of it, Jadyn nearly ripped open the beautifully sewn windows because she just wanted to grab all the cute things on the outside. So we flipped it the other way. Problem solved. It's the center of her universe right now. She dives into that house about 5 times a day. 
Remember, we are NOW onto phase 3, hence the fancy pajama box at the foot of our bed. And the office actually looks like this right now...

I guess we're still in phase 2 with the office. But look at this nifty paper shelf we snagged from Borders!
For those of you detective folk, you may have noticed I only showed you the upstairs. The kitchen is being saved for a day with better lighting, because it's actually my favorite room right now. So this unofficial tour will have to be continued. 

Also, I managed to put up a few Christmas decorations before Christmas! (I'm letting way too much of my crazy show in this post).

 All in all, we are loving our home. Jadyn and I go on at least one adventure a day to figure out all the exciting things Frederick has to offer. And oddly enough, small town---LOTS to do!

Yesterday, we checked out the nearest park. Nearest is to be used lightly because really, you walk a few feet and you're at the next to nearest park. They are all over the place!


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying your new house! It looks cute. We are just now getting into 'phase 3' with our place and we've been here almost 5 months. It takes forever to settle in, but it's so fun to have new things to do to make it more like home every day.

  2. i LOVE the comforters you have! SO adorable! I'm in phase 3 as well and i understand completely how you don't want to show people until it's ALL done. I fear i won't be finished for years though LOL. And so our open house won't be till forever.

    But i love what i see so far and i'm glad you all love it :D
