Friday, January 28, 2011

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Nine: Skateboarding

Jace spent the day skating with my friend/old co-worker, Brandon. They literally skated all day and Jace literally couldn't walk the next day. It was fun to play photographer.

See Jacey peeking at Jadyn in her stroller in the background? hehe

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Eight: I don't dare.

I didn't get around to taking a picture of Jadyn today. 
And now she is asleep. 
Do I dare try to take a picture and risk the possibility of
waking her up? This would mean hours and hours
longer of her thinking it's time to play...

Not a chance! 
This is as close as I get. 

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Seven: Winding down

Jadyn loves stuffed animals. Jace started calling them 
her "babies", so now, every time we hand her one we 
say "Love your baby, Jady." And every time she gets
really excited and squeezes them as tight as she can. 
What a girl

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Six: Other things in the world

Jace took the camera for his class today, so I don't think I got a picture of Jadyn. But this is what daddy shot of other things that were in the world on her one-hundred and fifty-sixth day of life.

Aren't these awesome? 

P.S. We LOVE our new camera. 

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Five: Come what may and love it.

"How little I knew then of what awaited me in later years. But whenever my steps led through seasons of sadness and sorrow, my mother’s words often came back to me: “Come what may, and love it.”
How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can’t—at least not in the moment. I don’t think my mother was suggesting that we suppress discouragement or deny the reality of pain. I don’t think she was suggesting that we smother unpleasant truths beneath a cloak of pretended happiness. But I do believe that the way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.
If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness."  -JOSEPH B. WIRTHLIN

As mentioned in the previous post, sleep has been a battle. Just when I thought I had gotten off easy and got through what everyone called the hard months for sleep with a baby that slept through the night...she had a shift. And it has been hard. But I am learning the make the best of it.

Because the truth is, she isn't always going to want me.

She isn't always going to think I am the means of her existence.

And she won't always be absolutely content with snuggling with her mommy in the middle of the night.

So I am going to just let go and enjoy it!

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Four: Filling in the spaces

Well... it's going to take a LONG time to figure out which part of outer-computer space all my pictures have been shoved. There are just a few days I can't find. So, in the meantime I will fill those days with pictures from other days that I did not post on the blog.
This was after a date night with our very favorite couple, the Campbells. They are just wonderful and have made this awkward adjustment a little more comfortable. We went out for some sushi (the men went out for sushi. Us ladies ordered some good old mongolian beef and asked for a fork instead of chop sticks. We really don't blend in very well).
After a fabulous night, I came home to find my little darling still wide awake. Her new sleep schedule has shifted from fairly normal to totally insane. Now she goes to bed at 7:00 pm and wakes up at 8 or 9 wanting to play. She thinks it's a nap! I have been struggling and struggling to get her to stay down: Cry it out method, fill her up as much as possible method, give her a nice relaxing bath and massage her, books, singing, rocking, stick the pacifier back in, teething gel, relaxing music, white noise, ear drops...all FAIL. And most nights I have given up totally frustrated with the fact that a girl a sixth of my size has way more stamina that me.

 But on nights like these, when I have been away from her, it makes me so happy to see her waiting for me.

...wait a minute. She is not in her jammies, which means I was talking about the wrong night. This must have been when we went to Mt. Fuji with the Campbell's and took her with. Oh well, same battle. We just really gave in that time and took her with us to play. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Yes I have not posted for a while. Our computer was running slow, so Jace decided to give a a complete reboot (take everything off and put back in only what we need). A week later and a trip to the Apple store and we are back in business! But now I have to find where all my pictures got put. So be patient! Posts are coming soon....once I find where all those darn pictures ran off to.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Three: Discovering the world, framed

 A camera is an incredible thing. Sometimes it is really hard to capture the beauty of a place unless you are there. It takes a very skilled photographer to frame vastness. But for the amateur, I have my lucky moments. If you frame a picture just right, it can be even more beautiful than the real thing.

Making a random church in downtown Denver look like a place in Europe. 
Creating a forest out of a cluster of trees off the side of a busy street. 
And making my baby look like a gangster. 
It was a great day of discovery. Jace and I discovered a splendid local bookmaking shop. We took a peek and bought everything we could get our hands on!

Day One-Hundred and Fifty Two: Progress

She gets better and better at sitting up all the time! It is still a little unnerving for her though. At least she's got her bear. It's one of her favorite toys. Ikea rocks.

Day One-Hundred and Fifty One: My little gem

Isn't she a beauty?

Day One-Hundred and Fifty: Happy Five Months

We are finally to the new camera pictures! Prepare for some seriously cute, high-quality pictures. The story behind the camera: Jace was taking a photography class this semester which required him to have a digital SLR at every class. He rented one from school for the first couple times, but it turned out to be more tedious than he would have liked. One night, he had forgotten to check one out and he had an assignment due the next day ( sometimes Mr. Procrastination comes to visit). He said "I think we should go buy a camera." For those of you not familiar with how much these babies cost--- it was about $500. I replied with "Ouch!" So we prayed about it. And now we have a Canon Rebel SRL. 

I must admit, it makes me more excited about taking pictures than I ever thought I could be. I love playing with my new toy and yes we agreed that it would be an early birthday present so it is MY camera. 

Here's my darling Jadyn at 5 months.

We also got really awesome photo editing software, which is why these all have a neat antique look. 

Day One-Hundred and Forty Nine: My little Buddy

Before I had Jadyn, I thought the hardest part would be dealing with having a constant sidekick. I was pleasantly surprised by how fun it actually is to have a little friend with you all the time. I would be so lonely without my Jady Bug. We are great pals.

No camera yet...hence the photobooth picture. 

Day One-Hundred and Forty Eight: Observations

Man, I am so behind. This is going to be hard to remember what things were like 4 months ago!
Here she was. She is yet to reduce in plumpness. She has no qualms about hanging out in a diaper now. In fact, she prefers it. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Resolution Scheduled to Resolute fast.

I have really gotten into the idea of New Years Resolutions this year. These are the most realistic and do-able goals I have ever made. I may actually follow through will them! Among my long term goals, I have one short term goal: The get fully caught up on the blog by the end of this month! So expect a very large flow of posts in the next few weeks.