Saturday, October 13, 2012

Later that day...

Jadyn had her first trip to the Urgent Care. This was a totally new experience for me, and totally terrifying. I was planning on going to the temple with some friends that night. She had been a little lethargic with a small fever, but it was nothing scary. She started getting worse and worse. Eventually she was barely responsive except for a constant, tired scream in pain. I checked her temperature right before I was about to leave and wouldn't ya know? It was 105! I sent my friends on their way, let Jace with Jaxon and raced her to the Urgent Care.

I realize she was in no real danger, but I had never seen her like this before. I felt like it was something out of a movie where my baby was falling in a out of consciousness, I was weaving between cars as fast as I could while trying to keep her awake ( I don't know why I thought she needed to stay awake. They always have to in the movie!) I was so scared for her.

The beautiful thing about your kids getting sick is you get a chance to REALLY hold them close. They let you, and you really want to because of how incredibly sad they are. I sat in the waiting room holding her as tight as I could the whole time.

We finally got in with a nurse who checked her ears, announced "Ear infecntion!" Dosed her with some Ibuprofen and sent us on our way. Ha! What I little thing, but it made a huge impact on me. Don't ever downplay your experiences as a mother. They are yours no matter how big or small and they all matter. This one mattered to me.

And now, a little treat for you: a video of how funny Jadyn got after her meds kicked in...

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, what a sweet little video. I love that she keeps licking the stick. Haha. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I probably would've been sobbing on the way to the doctor. =)
