Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More Daddy

A couple of days ago, the three of us were sitting on the couch. Jace was working from home for the day and took a short break to say "hi". Jadyn started signing *more* so we asked her what she wanted more of. She pointed to Jace. I asked "More Daddy?" because I thought maybe she was just confused, but then she continued to say "More Daddy, More Daddy!"

Goodness, does that girl know how to break my heart! At not even two, she understands that she needs her daddy. The role of Dad is so much more complicated than Mom, at least in our situation. Dad is the provider that goes to work and is Mr. Graphic Designer most of the day, but then he is also expected to shift to Super Dad when he gets home. Me? I'm just Mom. Something I have learned to accept and love because of all the roles that branch from it.

Jace works some pretty long hours and on top of it, he goes to school downtown. She gets an average of 2 hours a day with him, which is more than others get I'm sure. Mondays and Thursdays he doesn't get home until long after she is in bed.

I have battled with the inner complaints of it being his fault that he isn't here more, but the truth is, he is doing the best he can and maybe a little more. And the only reason Jadyn and I beg for more Daddy is because that man knows how to fill a room. I don't think I will ever stop getting butterflies when I hear his car pull in the garage.

To all you Daddy's out there that are working your tails off, you rock.

There will never be enough Daddy.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Brain dump.

I have a confession to make. Sometimes, when I think of this second baby I'm having in less than 4 months I get really scared. I have been reading quite a few articles about first-child mommies and I realize that I am at least not alone in my anxieties. One is hard. Every new stage brings you back below the learning curve. You worry if they're eating the right things, if they are learning enough, interacting enough with other people. It is me that is holding her back from potty training, because for Pete's sake, I haven't read enough about it! So now I'm going to have two?

It's scary, yet oddly comforting. I notice children that have siblings a lot more now. The younger siblings are more laid back and confident to leave mommy's side longer than 5 minutes. The older siblings are more willing to let things go and they are so helpful! And if THAT isn't enough to ease my worries, this certainly is...

There's also a little bit of me that is mourning the loss of my first baby. She's going to grow up whether we like it or not. And though I really don't want to juggle two babies at once, I want her to need me still. 

P.S. We're still debating baby boy's name. Any suggestions you're willing to gift me?

Our Snow Day

 We had a massive blizzard on Friday. Jace worked from home. Too bad I had already chosen to be a slacker the day before and stayed in my pj's. I believe I at least showered before slipping on the exact same pj's for day two. Our snow day mostly revolved around the tent. We had a day-long camp out in the family room. We read books in the tent, ate snacks in the tent, even had arguments about why mommy's very pregnant belly would not fit down the tunnel.

All in all, it was a pretty good day.