Friday, May 28, 2010

Day Fourteen: Big day!

Today was a very, VERY eventful day. We started the day with Jadyn's two week check-up. She's still a perfect, healthy baby! She is now 8lbs 6ozs, 4 ounces heavier than her birth weight and 11 ounces heavier than when she left the hospital. It was so nerve-wracking for me. I felt like this was my test to see if I was capable of feeding her and keeping her alive. wew! passed.
After that we went straight to Melissa's graduation. This was a big step for me and Jadyn. We've only been out for about an hour at a time. This time we were out all day and in the midst of a very big crowd. I was so glad to have a baby carrier (thanks Caralee!) so I could keep her real close to me. I thought she would hate how snug it was, but it must have felt like going back to the womb because she was perfectly content with the closeness.
We went out to eat and finally got home. It was a good day, but very very tiring. The only dramatic moment was when Jadyn peed all over herself as I was changing her. The angles of those changing tables in public bathrooms don't give us Mommies who only have two hands a chance!

Jady needed a little break. 

Day Thirteen: Auntie Moose

My sister is going to be the most amazing mom in the world. I have watched her with newborns and am always amazed how much of a pro she looks like. They love the Moose. Jadyn is no different. I drifted off while Jadyn sat in her swing. I woke up to find Melissa snuggling up with her. What a good sister I have. 

Day Twelve: Grandpa lovin.

There is only one person in the world that comes at a close second for being as obsessed with the girl as I am, and that is grandpa...maybe grandma too...ok grandparents in general. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day Eleven: Photobooth

Yesterday  I forgot to take a picture, today I forgot to charge the camera, but I was not going to give up that easily! Jadyn had her first experience with photobooth.
Yesterday was definitely a record breaker for number of times Jadyn would wait till right after we had a nice clean diaper ready to be closed up, then she would soil it. Here's Jace working on diaper number two. I had changed so many that day, it was daddy's turn. 

Day Ten: Oops!

Mommy forgot to take a picture today...mainly because we were doing this all day.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day Nine: Going to church!

Jadyn went to sacrament meeting today! She was very popular. It was so fun to show her off. Also, Melissa forgot she was giving a talk and walked in just as they announced her name. It was quite hilarious. She managed to talk about something of substance. I was impressed. are some pictures from yesterday. We got really scared that our baby girl was getting a bad case of jaundice. I was very close to running her to the hospital, but Jace suggested we give her a blessing first. It was all I needed. I knew she would be fine. We took her out that evening and let her lay out in the sun. She loved it. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day Eight: Sun Bathing

She's been looking a tiny bit jaundice so I decided to give her a little sun nap today to break it down. 

Jace taught her how to hold her paci with her hand.

She kept losing her pacifier and then would proceed to scream about it. Now...problem solved. 

Day Seven: And it came to pass...

I had an epiphany the other day as I was reading the scriptures. This is probably taken a little out of context, but the phrase "and it came to pass" came alive for me. Every event pass. How true this is! Sometimes we go through a struggle just to get out of it again. No event lasts forever. We got married, bought our first home, planted our first garden, took in our first stray cats, started businesses, played in concerts... and then life continued. We moved from our first home, left our first garden, had to get rid of one of our first cats, closed down some of our first businesses, we took trips, we came all came and it all passed. 
It is a blessing to see some things pass, others are more difficult. And through all the passing, there is one thing in my life that will last forever. My Jady Lynn is growing everyday. She is now a whole week old. She is going to change and grow up no matter what...but Jace and I have her forever. That will never pass. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day Six: A bit devious

I put socks on her in the morning...and within minutes one mysteriously disappears....always

After she eats I cuddle her close and try to get all the burps out. She makes the funniest faces. I wonder what this face means.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Five: Naptime

Everytime after Jadyn nurses, she gets put into a very serious coma

We love to snuggle up with her and take a nap. Whenever she lays down with Jace, she wraps one arm around his neck.

I didn't know quite how deeply I could fall in love with my husband until I saw him with her. He loves being a daddy to this sweet girl. 

Day four: Best dressed baby on the block

For the first couple of days Jadyn fashioned onesies with mitts over the hands; she still managed to look absolutely irresistible in them. Day four we got up for her to have breakfast and I decided today was the day for a cute outfit, especially since Grandma Harmer was leaving so she needed one last really good mental picture of her granddaughter. It looked cute on the hanger, but not this cute! I am having so much fun dressing her. Next step will be bows and headbands.

Day Three: Bathtime

We gave Jadyn a bath! She enjoyed our version much more than the bath at the hospital. We were attempting to wake her up so she would stay up and get really tired come bedtime. Our plan backfired when I discovered that my bathing skills are just a little too soothing. She loved it!..until she got cold. Thanks to Aunt Elizabeth, we had a soft little bathrobe to wrap her up in.

Day Two: Hands

Jadyn LOVES her hands. We're hoping this means she will be an amazing piano player. Among her many uses, she decided to use them on sunday to block the sun so she could enjoy a nap in peace, a simple thing to do....but look how CUUUUTTEEE!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our Beautiful Jady Girl

Jadyn Lynn Harmer
Born May 14, 2010
8 Pounds 2 Ounces
21 Inches