Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Jace turned 25 this year. That's a quarter of a century! The middle of the middle of a life! It's some sort of important anniversary! (Golden?)

I really wanted it to be special. But special seemed quite the farfetched thought considering the day his birthday was on. He would go to work around 6:30 and then straight to school until 10...not much time to give him attention. So I thought and thought about what Jace really wanted that could carry on throughout the day. Time is always a gift I wish I could give him. He has none. But the next thing would be memories. In his "old age" Jace's memory continue to fade more and more. I have to tell him our story now, remind him of friend's names, important dates...it's only a matter of time before I will have to wear a name tag. This completely crushes him that he has seemingly lost a great deal of his past.

So one quick trip to Pinterest got my wheels turning. I thought of giving him 25 memories I had...but I have only known him 7 out of 25 years of his life. So I went to Facebook. Curse social networking all you want, but it certainly has its charms. I got nearly 25 memories from his friends and family. I added some of mine to complete the number. And this is what came about...

To put it simply: I nailed it. This is the first gift I've given Jace that made him cry. I thought maybe he could take a stack to work with him and read them throughout the day, but he couldn't help but read every single one that morning.

As a bonus, it really was a gift for me to be able to read these memories of a Jace before I ever knew him. Even as a wayward teenager, he had the same beautiful countenance he has now. He did things as a child that most grown men wouldn't be willing to do. He has always been incredible.
Jadyn and I surprised him later at work with an ice cream cake. 
He came home late that night to his favorite dinner: Shepard's Pie (doesn't take much to please him).
I love his birthday almost as much as mine. It allows me to reflect on just how darn lucky I am!


  1. Lindsey Darling, you couldn't have given our Jacey a better gift! I love you for it!

  2. This is so perfect! You are such a great wife!
