...but lately I have noticed that although Jace is a boy and I am a girl, he manages to take an interest in my more womanly interests. I just didn't notice before because I was not such a skilled translator. Examples:
*Last night, we were watching our new favorite Sit Com "How I Met Your Mother". Seriously, get past the first couple episodes and you will not stop laughing. Anyways, as we were watching Jace announced "Hey! She does that dark eye thing like Melissa (a woman who he built a blog for a while back) I guess blondes do that." What he was seeing was this...
*Every Sunday he picks my shoes for me. These days, there are not many choices. It's really between the brown or black and then the black and other black. But I am always amazed that he not only gives me a choice, but a valid reason behind his choice. Such as "You should go with those brown shoes because your skirt is more of an orange-brown that a grey-brown, ya know?" That's what I get for marrying a graphic designer I suppose.
*"Hey babe, what how do you think I should do my hair today?" His options are:
- "Flippity flip" a.k.a curly
- "Smooth" a.k.a straight
- "Like my hair" a.k.a scrunched
"So, how do you get your hair so silky? What are you doing that I'm not doing?"
This took a great deal of analyzing, but ended in me showing Jace how to use a diffuser...and then showing him again the next day...and the next day...and the next.
So you see, the hubs does pretty dang good at keeping up with the girly stuff. In all honesty, he's probably better than me.
*Jace: "Hey Lindsey. Check out this new app that I built. So first I started with a fhjkaghkah slider..afhjkhfjkhag...created...dahfkjaghlka....ajdfklhjgjhjagklf.... (and it goes on with me picking out a few words here and there. Very much like when I listen to someone speaking in Spanish)
Lindsey: "Oh Jacey, It looks so pretty. I just LOVE the colors."
No translation needed. It's clear I have no idea what he's talking about.