Tuesday, April 10, 2012


 It went something like this...

...and ended with this.


Jace turned 25 this year. That's a quarter of a century! The middle of the middle of a life! It's some sort of important anniversary! (Golden?)

I really wanted it to be special. But special seemed quite the farfetched thought considering the day his birthday was on. He would go to work around 6:30 and then straight to school until 10...not much time to give him attention. So I thought and thought about what Jace really wanted that could carry on throughout the day. Time is always a gift I wish I could give him. He has none. But the next thing would be memories. In his "old age" Jace's memory continue to fade more and more. I have to tell him our story now, remind him of friend's names, important dates...it's only a matter of time before I will have to wear a name tag. This completely crushes him that he has seemingly lost a great deal of his past.

So one quick trip to Pinterest got my wheels turning. I thought of giving him 25 memories I had...but I have only known him 7 out of 25 years of his life. So I went to Facebook. Curse social networking all you want, but it certainly has its charms. I got nearly 25 memories from his friends and family. I added some of mine to complete the number. And this is what came about...

To put it simply: I nailed it. This is the first gift I've given Jace that made him cry. I thought maybe he could take a stack to work with him and read them throughout the day, but he couldn't help but read every single one that morning.

As a bonus, it really was a gift for me to be able to read these memories of a Jace before I ever knew him. Even as a wayward teenager, he had the same beautiful countenance he has now. He did things as a child that most grown men wouldn't be willing to do. He has always been incredible.
Jadyn and I surprised him later at work with an ice cream cake. 
He came home late that night to his favorite dinner: Shepard's Pie (doesn't take much to please him).
I love his birthday almost as much as mine. It allows me to reflect on just how darn lucky I am!

These are a few of our Favorite things.

#1 Breakfast.

For as long as I can remember in my childhood, my mother got up in the morning and made each of us a beautiful, full breakfast. I carried the tradition through college, making myself an omelet virtually every morning. When I lived with my parents again, my mom went right back to making me breakfast every morning (I pitched in). And now, Jadyn and I enjoy a smoothie and eggs every morning. Breakfast is a long, relaxing ritual with us. We think of every breakfast food we can fill ourselves up with and savor it for about an hour. Only then can we start our day. Breakfast is a definite favorite.
# 2: The Car.
Anyone's really. It doesn't matter...she thinks she owns them all. This must be a toddler thing. She claims ownership over everything by screaming "Mine!" Oh child, if only it were that simple. She can
spend hours in the car, fully entertained. Her ultimate favorite is Daddy's car (I wonder why).
#3 Breath of Fresh Air.

I didn't have even the slightest clue how intensely I could feel cabin fever until I was cooped up with a toddler all day. Every morning we would look out the window and hope for sun. I am so happy it has been showing its bright face lately. Jace had his spring break from school two weeks ago. Every evening he came home from work, we scarfed down some dinner and played outside till the sun went down. It was such a blast. There's a golf course right across the street from our house, so hitting a bucket of balls was an obvious activity one night. Jadyn LOVED it...of course.

Impressive form.

But alas, a fail.

Oh ya, I'm so preggo...and grungy this day. I didn't even try to hide my ridiculous belly button.

 I'm 32 weeks here. Gettin Close!